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Costume Contest
Costume Contest
Let's get creative!
There will be Prizes for BEST Costume in the following categories:
1. Scary
2. Humorous
3. Technical
4. Originality
5. Best Little Kid(s)
To enter - just show-up! We will announce a time for the Costume Contest and then you can strut your stuff in front of the judges. Judgement will be based on applause from your peers! Start lobbying them today!

Dinner is POTLUCK.
Please bring a dish to share with your ghoul friends!
Sign-up sheet is in the office.
Shores will provide several dishes including magotty meats and cheeses.
Shores is providing 2
Drink tickets per employee. Additional tickets can be purchased for $5 - proceeds will pay for the drink tab and the remaining funds will be donated to the American Legion by the "Staff of SVR." Nonalcoholic drinks provided by SVR.
PLEASE KEEP COSTUMES to an NC-17 rating or below...
We may have young goblins and ghouls running around.
Get ready to HOWEL at the MOON!!! That's right, SVR went there - we hired a DJ to spin records for a bit, then open the MIC up to you Mummies and Banshees!

Karaoke! I love Karaoke! It’s almost as much fun as pulling wings off flies!”

There will be other games and contests too!
There will be other games and contests too!
Make sure you
Call the Office!
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