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We ARE your Neighbors

Participation Form

We ARE your Neighbors program is a very important movement that is pushing back on the idea that you Homeowners are not a part of the Greater South Haven Community, the neighborhoods that make up bulk of it, as well as the idea that you are not invested in the Community here, outside of just being invested in it because of the profit you make off renting your home. Participating in this program will help prove this wrong.

Your information that we get from this survey will be used to directly confront the ideas listed above, via, print media, radio, and commercial ads.

Any questions you may have about participating in this program, please contact the Advocacy and Development Director, Rich Greene @

Special Note: Asterisk fields below are required.


When was the first time you visited South Haven, MI?

Was there something special that you remember about that first visit that you can share with everyone?

How often did you visit South Haven before buying a home here?

What's the primary reason you chose to purchase a home in South Haven, MI?

Are you planning on investing more in the Community?

What do you love most about living in South Haven, MI?

What are your favorite activities to do in the South Haven community?

What are your plans for the future in terms of your investment in South Haven, MI? (e.g. adding on, remodeling, landscaping, etc.)

How many days per year do you visit and stay in South Haven, MI?

Single choice
Less than 30 days
30-60 days
60-90 days
More than 90 days

Is there a story you would like to share with everyone in the South Haven Community to know about you and your family?

How do you feel about your decision to invest in South Haven and rent your home out as a short-term rental?

If the City of South Haven puts a moratorium on Short-Term Rentals, will you be forced to consider selling your home?

Would you like to submit a statement to be directly quoted?

Would you like to participate in an interview or record a video sharing your experience?

Please submit a photograph that Shores Vacation Rentals can publish and used to promote the "We ARE your Neighbors" program.

By submitting a photograph you hereby grant Shores Vacation Rentals permission to obtain and use as the Released Party sees fit the voice, image, photograph, likeness, video, and/or any other form of media as it develops (henceforth collectively referred to as Likeness) of myself by any medium (including but not limited to video, audio, photo, and/or any media as it develops/evolves or other image, natural or altered in any state by any manner). Permission extends into perpetuity. For a valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I hereby grant the Released Party all ownership rights and the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright, use and publish the Likeness of myself which has been (or is being) obtained pursuant to this Consent and Release. The Likeness may be copyrighted, used and/or published individually or in conjunction with other photography or video works, and in any medium (including without limitation, print publications, public broadcast, CD-ROM format, and/or any media as it develops/evolves) and for any lawful purpose, including without limitation, trade, exhibition, illustration, promotion, publicity, advertising and electronic publication. Furthermore, I understand that the Likeness of myself may be used in a way that does not accurately reflect my lifestyle or me. Additionally, I understand that my name will only be used in situations where the Likeness is used to reflect my actual circumstances, as understood by the Released Party either at the time of capture or at the time of publication/production. I waive any right that I, and/or any party related to the Photographed Party may have to inspect or approve the Released Party's copyright, use or publication of the Likeness, or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in connection with the copyright, use and/or publication of the Likeness. Furthermore, I agree and acknowledge that neither I, nor any party related to myself, will receive any form of compensation for the use of Likeness. I --on behalf of myself and/or any other parties related to myself -- release the Released Party (and all persons and/or entities acting under its permission or authority) from any and all claims-including but not limited to claims of libel, slander, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright or right of publicity, or any other claim related to Use of Likeness (collectively, "Claims"). Furthermore, this release includes without limitation any Claims related to blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, or use of a fictitious name, that may occur or be produced in the processing or publication of the Likeness.

Additionally, this release includes without limitation any and all other claims of liabilities, damages and expenses associated with authorized use of the above materials. I agree and acknowledge that the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement, whether standing alone or as applied to a particular occurrence or circumstance, shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement or of any other applications of such provision, as the case may be, and such invalid or unenforceable provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Agreement. I agree and acknowledge that I am under no pressure or duress to sign this Agreement and that I have been given a reasonable opportunity to review it before signing. I further agree and acknowledge that I am free to have my own legal counsel review this Agreement if I so desire. I understand that my representatives or I cannot  revoke this release. My signature acknowledges that I am over the age of 18 and have read and agree to the terms outlined in this release.

Thank you for participating! You are helping your Neighbors and neighborhoods!  You are helping protect the Constitutional Rights of ALL property owners in South Haven, MI and beyond! 

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